Welcome to my King4Wellness Blog
Welcome to my King4Wellness blog. This is my first blog and I’m starting out with part of my own personal story.
Over 30 years ago, a very special friend named Betty invited me to go to her friend Carolyn’s home for a nutrition coffee. She was an amazing person and kindly watched my young daughter so I could go to a bible study once a week.
The above picture depicts how I felt much of the time even though it’s not me. I’m not exactly sure why I decided to go except that I’d been struggling with a number of health issues and was searching for solutions. I had very low energy and the moods to go along with that. Also, my seasonal allergies were so severe that by the time the fall season came around, my immune system was a mess. I frequently ended up with things like bronchitis requiring an antibiotic and often setting me up to have other infections. At that point, I was already married and had two children. My son was 7 and daughter was 2 so life was busy. My mood was lousy and even if I took a nap in the afternoon, I was exhausted by 9 PM. I am blessed to be married to a good husband – he definitely did his part.
After going to the nutrition coffee, I decided to start on the basic plan because it was guaranteed that if I took it faithfully for 30 days and did not feel better, I could get a refund. I also realized that there was a lot more that I could learn about wellness.
Before this, I’d been experimenting with supplements from the health food stores and also was avoiding sugars, white flour and reading labels. I had not seen any real change. At the coffee, the wellness program introduced included a protein drink, multi-vitamin and one herbal supplement. The protein did not taste very good but I was determined to be fair so I was faithful. I noticed more energy by the end of the 30 days so I kept on and within a few months, friends were telling me that I looked better. I would jokingly say (“I always tried to look my best in spite of how I felt- took a shower, combed my hair etc…”) They wanted to know what I was doing so I sent them to the person that had helped me get started. They started feeling better too.
After using the program for about a year, my sponsor Cyndi asked me if I would consider starting a business. It was a good time for me to consider this for a number of reasons. I was feeling a lot better and had worked in one way or another most of my adult life. I had checked out the company whose program I chose and had the utmost respect for their dedication to quality. My husband’s engineering job at that time did not make allowances for him to take time off for the children and our families were in other states. I did have a cluster of good friends that would help out but I never wanted to over use that. I knew that whatever profession I chose going forward would need to allow flexibility as well as a means to generate some extra income and tax benefits. My biggest reason was that I was so very thankful to be feeling healthier and felt like it was such a wonderful blessing.
Were there others like myself that would want to feel better and lead a fuller life? In my heart, I was sure that there were. I decided this could be the best way to pass on the blessing I had received. In turn, I’ve have been blessed again by the wonderful people that I’ve met who either wanted to improve their health or help others do it. To this day, it continues to bring me joy to both teach and guide others to share wellness and improve their health in the process.
In this introductory blog, I’ve started by sharing one chapter of the many in my life. In future blogs, I’ll cover a variety of wellness topics to encourage you make the best of the life you have been given! My goal is “Blogging to Bless.”
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